Coming Soon!
Complete Abundance Course
The 21-Day Complete Abundance Course is a guided journey designed to help you shift your mindset, break through financial blocks, and step into a life of true abundance—spiritually, financially, and emotionally.
Be the first to access the 21-Day Complete Abundance Course and start your journey to financial and spiritual prosperity!

Destination Freedom: Flying Out of Debt
By Reverend Verona Garland
Discover how to:
Rewire your beliefs around money & success
Master the principles of financial and spiritual abundance
Release fear, scarcity, and limiting patterns
Create wealth with purpose, joy, and ease
Seminars and Workshops
Life Visioning
Home Blessings
Celebrations of Life (Funerals)
Prayer Requests
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
Cash App: $VeronaGarland
PayPal: revverona1@gmail.com
Venmo: @Verona-Garland
Zelle: 1 510 541 5200

Rev. Joan Steadman
Thank you Rev. Verona for offering the abundance Playshop. It is bringing forth rich blessings for all.
Sandra Smith
Reverend Verona's offering of the the 21-day Abundance Playshop was "divinely perfect". Through my participation I was again reminded and realized the Power of perpetually positive thinking, consistent practice of meditation, treatment and affirmative prayer while contemplating all that is Divine. It allowed me to remember that life is full of wealth, in all forms, and is always available!
Thanks Reverend Verona,
You are the quintessential gift that keeps on giving!
Nancy McFarland
Full of gracious support and reverence for the martial union, Rev. Verona offers necessary insights and guidance in preparation for the marriage ceremony, as well as as strong loving presence during the ceremony. She was even willing to marry us at 6:30am in the morning! She will absolutely listen, she will wholeheartedly hear and will hold unwavering sacred space for the highest good throughout the entire process.
Inspirational Speaking
Ken Richards
How wonderful to see you today and your talk was filled with laughter, wisdom, deep insight and created a shift for everyone in the room. You were on fire! So grateful that our lives collided and continue to think the highest and best!